Building a CRE Brand on LinkedIn

Led by Jesse Futia, co-founder of CRE Digital, this course will empower CRE investors and professionals with the essential skills to leverage LinkedIn for business growth.

💰 $49  ⌛ 60 mins  🖥️  Async  🏷️ Marketing & Branding

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Course Outline 

4 modules, 10 lessons, 60 minutes

Lesson 1: Introduction
Lesson 2: Why you need a brand on LinkedIn
Lesson 3: How to optimize your profile
Content & Monetization
Lesson 4: Your LinkedIn niche
Lesson 5: Proven Ways to Monetize LinkedIn
Lesson 6 & 7: Creating viral content that sells
Comments & Lead Gen
Lesson 8: Commenting Your Way to Authority
Lesson 9: How to turn LinkedIn DMs into leads
Lesson 10: Where to go from here
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Walk away with

  • An optimized Linkedin profile page
  • Learn how to build an email list
  • Understand how to convert followers to leads
  • Learn how to monetize a sales funnel
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Meet Jesse

Jesse Futia is COO of CRE Digital, a company helping real estate professionals build 1M dollar brands on LinkedIn. Prior to joining CRE Digital, Jesse was the CEO of Executive Equity Investing.